Friday, October 15, 2010


Here is a little something I came up with for a safe and fun HALLOWEEN decoration. The night of a party or halloween take a dozen WHITE balloons, crack and shake glow sticks and put them inside, blow them up and hang them in the trees or off the side of your house by string. They will stay lit all night.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Still keeping it green so I thought we would touch down on electric lawn mowers. There are several on the market which are corded, cordless and even push motorless. Some of the brands are Neuton, Worx, Earthwise, Scotts among others. Not only are they light-weight and  quiet but they are clean. No gas, no oil and no emissions. The only con is that they are a little more narrow but thats about it.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Lets all start doing our part in saving the planet by doing simple things like changing all the bulbs in your home to Energy Efficient bulbs. It can save money and the environment.